
Selection of Urns

A Urn is for the ashes or cremated remains of a deceased individual. These urns vary in shape, size, and design to accommodate personal preferences and cultural traditions. They can be crafted from materials such as wood, metal, ceramic, or crystal. Cremation urns serve as tangible memorials, offering comfort and a sense of closeness to the departed loved one.


Light Green Crystal With Buddhist Sutra
Detailed craftsmanship, perfect for housing the remains of our loves ones guiding them to follow the path of Enlightenment. One of the top choices for placing the remains of our loves one.

心若彼岸 (浅青琉璃经文瓮)
青透的心经琉璃瓮,瓮身表面满刻心经,是安置先人随佛修行的绝佳选择, 也是逝者永息安乐之最佳理想殿堂。

Dark Green Crystal With Buddhist Sutra
Detailed craftsmanship, perfect for housing the remains of our loves ones guiding them to follow the path of Enlightenment. One of the top choices for placing the remains of our loves one.

心若彼岸 (深青琉璃经文瓮)
青透的心经琉璃瓮,瓮身表面满刻心经,是安置先人随佛修行的绝佳选择, 也是逝者永息安乐之最佳理想殿堂。

Lavender Crystal with Buddhist Sutra
Together with fine and detailed craftsmanship; representing beauties and elegances, the Lavender sutra urn gives an aura of mystery, signifying eternal beauty and virtue.


Beeswax Lazurite Urn Beeswax Yellow alias Auspicious Beeswax is known for its elegance and simplicity which makes it one of the favourite colours for Chinese.


Pink Lazurite Urn Heart Warming and it is a Harmonious colour, making it one of our top choice for our ancestor.


Poppy Jade Shaped from Natural Stone, and each are uniquely different from one another which makes it “Destined” to own the chosen One.

芙蓉西施玉 (芙蓉玉瓮) 芙蓉玉,採自天然的青彩玉石, 其材质,天然纹路,色泽,都不可能相同,所呈現出來的皆为独一无二的作品,和拥有者之简的缘份便格外珍贵,更有 [唯一的选择] 之意。